Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Lose Up To 10 Pounds In One Week

Grapefruit are one of foods that burn fats. In other words grapefruit has nutrients that breakdown and remove excess fat from your body.
The 3 day egg and grapefruit diet is based on that the grapefruit is thermogenic and will help you lose weight faster. It’s much easier to stick to, due to the fact it’s only 3 days rather than twelve.

One thing to consider before starting this diet is that grapefruit juice can interfere with some drugs. Never drink grapefruit juice or eat grapefruit within 45 minutes of taking any kind of medications.
This diet can last up to 7 days! I recommend only 3 or 4, because it will give you good results, and the body won’t starve.

How it Works

In these diet, you’re restricted to have no more than 600-800 calories in a day, with very little to no carbohydrate intake (which helps in losing the water weight fast).
As contrary to popular beliefs that low calorie diets are harmful to your body, but practically speaking they don’t pose too much of a danger to your health. As long as you keep yourself well hydrated and balance your vitamins and minerals.

Grapefruit in itself is a superfood which has many health benefits and it’s full of vitamin C, which gives your body a complete detox. Eggs are high in protein and fats which balances your body requirement.
Though you eat other food too like chicken and low carb vegetables and fruits but they’re restricted to a small portion and once a day.

Here’s the 3 Day Egg and Grapefruit Diet Plan:

These menu is monotone but the reward is great if you stick to it.


  • 1 Slice of Wheat Toast
  • 1 Cup of Black Coffee
  • 1 Half of Grapefruit
  • 1 Egg


  • 1 cup of Black Coffee
  • 1 Half of Grapefruit
  • Mixed Greens Salad
  • 1 Tablespoon extra-virgin Olive Oil as dressing


  • 1 Half of Grapefruit
  • 4 Ounces of any lean meat preferably chicken or fish, boiled, baked or sautéed in extra-
  • virgin olive oil or coconut oil.
  • Mixed Greens Salad one bowl
  • Eat all the steamed vegetables you desire.
If you need a snack in between these is things that are allowed. Almost any fruit is going to make a great snack, you can add one apple, one egg without the yellow yoke or a wheat toast. These should only be done if you feel really hungry.
You’ll have a real difficult time keeping the weight off, But If you stick to this diet for 3 days you will lose up to 10 pounds in one week.
Substitute grapefruit: A few people can not eat grapefruit because them interferes with medication. Others just do not like the taste. To get the same the Egg and Grapefruit Diet benefits as grapefruit, put 1/2 teaspoon from baking soda in a glass of water and drink them. Instead, you can squeeze the juice of the grapefruit and add Stevia.
Ne’er substitute orange for grapefruit. Oranges will create the opposite effect intended for the Egg and Grapefruit Diet.

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