Saturday, June 2, 2018


Autumn is a period when vitamins take the lead role in defense against bacteria and viruses.
That’s why the tangerine is considered the queen of this season, giving our body an 80 per cent of the required daily intake of vitamin C.
In addition to being rich in vitamin C, this citrus fruit also contains vitamins from group B, but also minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium. Antioxidants that can be found in mandarin reduce the level of bad cholesterol and thus reduce the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and liver disease.
Tangerine juice for good health and skin care

Scientists have found that people who consume fresh tangerine juice daily reduce the risk of developing several types of cancers. The tangerine also have beta carotene, which is credited for the good eyesight and glossy skin.
This fruit is a great ingredient for the preparation of masks for skin as well as hair because it contains a high percentage of vitamin C that is ideal for hair renewal and its growth. Tangerine juice in combination with hair oil is an ideal treatment that will give her shine and healthy look to her hair.
An excellent ally on the weight loss front
Tangerines are great in fighting overweight, making them a rich choice of dietary fiber. With regular consumption of this food you will not be hungry, and you will also satisfy the daily need for fiber intake – the recommended daily amount is 20 grams, and 100 grams of tangerines contain as much as three grams of fiber.
Experts claim that tangerines also affect your mood – their fragrance helps you relax and make it easier to deal with everyday stress, depression and anxiety.

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