Saturday, June 16, 2018


Remember our message of the day:Stay healthy and trust in health

The holidays are close, you certainly want to spend them in a cheerful atmosphere, without coughing to disturb your peace.
Coughing is usually a sign of cold. Well, before you ask for a doctor’s advice, think about how you can help yourself. You do not need a lot of money for various syrups, when you can do it only from the ingredients that you have at home.

This recipe for cough syrup is effective, tasty and completely natural, and can be used by adults and children over a year old. Take one tablespoon of syrup several times a day, and if coughing is in the initial phase, take a spoonful of syrup per day until you notice that the symptoms are disappearing.
For the preparation of syrup you need:
  • honey
  • olive oil
  • lemon

Place all three ingredients in the pot and warm to a low heat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Pour the syrup into a jar and drink a spoon a day.

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