Monday, June 4, 2018


Remember our message of the day:Stay healthy and trust in health

Cancer is one of the most prevalent and most dangerous diseases of the modern age.
Although older people usually gets cancer , young people are not immune to it. These symptoms are mostly ignored by women.
Inexplicable weight loss
Although many women would be overjoyed to lose weight without any trouble, losing more pounds without exercise should be medically examined.
A bloated stomach is so common that most people do not pay attention to it. This condition may indicate jaw cancer. If the bloating lasts for several days and you feel sieved after a little meal, be sure to visit a doctor.
Breast changes
Redness and peeling of the breast skin, as well as nipple inducing, indicate potentially dangerous changes in the tissue. If you have a rash that lasts for weeks, you should go to a doctor.
Bleeding at unusual intervals
Women who are not in menopause often ignore the bleeding between cycles, or consider menstruation. Bleeding, when it’s not time for this, indicates negative occurrences in the body, and after menopause, it may also mean cervical cancer.
Difficulty with swallowing
If you switch to liquid foods because you feel sore throat when swallowing, and you don’t have a flu, visit a doctor. This may be a sign of an esophageal cancer.
Blood in the wrong place

If you notice bleeding in the urine or stool, do not make a diagnosis of having hemorrhoids, as it may be colon cancer. Blood spilling is also a serious symptom and can indicate lung cancer.
Feeling like something is biting your stomach
Some studies have shown that depression and stomach pain are symptoms of pancreatic cancer.
Bad indigestion
Problems with digestion without any special cause, may be a sign of throat or stomach cancer.
We live at a fast pace of life and fatigue is very common, but if you are relaxed for a long time without much effort, it can be a sign of a problem.
Long cough
Coughing that does not stop for weeks, and you have no other discomfort, and smoking cigarettes, may be a sign of lung cancer, so visit a doctor.

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