Thursday, May 24, 2018


Remember our message of the day:Stay healthy and trust in health

Although we all know that exercise and physical activity are ideal for weight loss, there are also cunning ways to help you.
Here are some tricks that you can apply outside the gym.
Do not sit in one place
If you are a nervous type of person and you have a habit of tapping your feet or clawing your nails while sitting in one place, you are lucky. On average, such activity can burn between 300 and 350 calories per day.
As many studies have shown, 10 to 16 minutes of laughing daily can burn about 40 calories, which are about 5 kilograms a year.
Spice your food
Studies show that spicy foods can accelerate metabolism and accelerate calorie burning even up to a plus 50 per day.
Chew gum
Chewing burn calories. Practice chewing gum so you do not recharge calories and avoid cavities.
Easy home cleaning, such as dust removal, burns about 170 calories per hour. If you catch a harder job, such as cleaning the car, you will burn more than 204 calories per hour.

Drink cold water
The inclusion of eight cups of ice-cold water in the body will end up burning 123 calories, until the water in the body gets warm. Therefore, when you drink water – the cooler, the better.
Just 20 minutes a day of dancing your favorite music can help you burn over 100 calories. If you do not know how to dance, lower the blinds, play loud music and move your body in your way.

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