Saturday, May 19, 2018


Everyday, honey producers warn us that not every product on the market is completely natural.
Light availability and a large number of producers on the market brings us as confused customers, because in the sea of jars on the shelves, we should choŠ¾se the one where is the healthiest honey, not a mixture that can more harm than contribute to our health.

Although it is only a detailed analysis in the laboratory that it is possible to check the true composition of the honey and determine whether it is 100% natural, there are some tricks that can reveal the origin of this most natural source of health. These are 10 tricks that will make it easy for you to choose the best and most natural honey.

When you find yourself in front of a raft with jars, be sure to pay attention to the label, because reading the composition on the back is the first step to get acquainted with the product you are buying and its ingredients. Manufacturers are required to disclose its composition and indicate the amount of honey in the package.

Put a few teaspoons of honey in a bowl and heat it at high temperature in the microwave. The real honey will be caramelized, and the fake will become foamy and full of bubbles.
With a smaller amount of honey you can check its quality by putting a few drops on a paper napkin. If after a while the honey does not break through the paper then it’s good.

The easiest way to test the honey is by putting it in a glass of water. The real honey will collapse and graze at the bottom, and the false will only dissolve.

Cover a slice of bread with honey and see what will happen to the bread. If its surface becomes hard then the honey is real, but it softens, then it is poor and full of water.

Mix honey and yolk, and if it’s natural, it will look like it’s cooked.

The natural honey crystallizes after a while, and the fake after a long standing
remains in the liquid state.

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